Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pinch-hitting for Joe

In recent months life has thrown a fair number of curveballs, including some pretty nasty ones, to people close to me. I haven't written about it, mostly because it's personal to those folk (although I might mention that my wife loses her job this week—funding gone—so that one's close to home). The latest is that my friend and colleague Joe Haldeman—whose work I'm sure you know—great writer, great guy—was taken seriously ill last weekend. He's in the hospital in intensive care right now. (Prognosis good, I'm happy to say.) One spin on this particular curve ball is that Joe's SF writing class at MIT was left temporarily without a teacher. I got a call. And yes, I'll be filling in for Joe for however long it takes him to get back on his feet.

So, for at least some weeks, I'm going to be, sort of...part of the MIT faculty. There's a sobering thought. Doesn't MIT, like, run the world or something?

Ironically, I was just gearing up for the beginning of my own Ultimate SF Writing Workshop, which I co-lead with Craig Shaw Gardner. So it looks like I'll be working with student writers on Sunday nights (Ultimate SF) and Tuesday nights (MIT). I think it's going to be a busy next few months.

If you're in the Boston area and are looking for an intensive SF/F writing workshop, check us out! Registration is now open.

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