Thursday, September 12, 2013

Space Travel for Animals?

Being on retreat doesn't mean I don't still get interesting links. First, we have a frog joining the space program, probably not voluntarily:

That's from The Atlantic, which has more details. This is the recent launch of the LADEE moon probe, on a Minotaur rocket, from Wallops Island, Virginia. Pity the poor creature. But it did have a fleeting moment of glory.

And second, we have some cows who did not seem to enjoy the test launch of a SpaceX Grasshopper rocket. Looks like they didn't stick around to watch the landing. But you should.

A rocket landing on a tail of fire is how God meant us to come back to Earth! All that's missing is tail fins on the rocket to complete this Golden Age SF vision of space travel.

The retreat is going very well, by the way. Making good progress on the book. 

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