Monday, May 14, 2012

"Love Rogo" Back in Print, Electronically Speaking

My fourth short story, "Love Rogo," is about a lovable doglike creature from Betelgeuse who is a little too lovable for his owners' own good. It came out in 1977 in the anthology, Futurelove: a Science Fiction Triad, edited by Roger Elwood and published in hardcover by Bobbs-Merrill. There was no paperback edition, although the Science Fiction Book Club published their own low-cost hardcover. The other two authors in the book were Anne McCaffrey and Joan Hunter Holly; plus, there was an introduction by Gordon Dickson. It sobers me to note that I'm the only one still walking the Earth of that group of estimable people. Yow. God willing, I'll keep the fires going here a while longer.

Getting this story back into circulation has been on my "to do" list for some time now, along with a handful of others. The common theme has been no digital file, which meant either retyping or scanning the stories in, something I just never got around to doing. About a year ago, my faithful reader Anne King sent me a digital copy of "Love Rogo," in a gentle effort to jump-start the process. I still didn't get around to it.

What changed is that I now have, for a few short weeks, the help of a smart young woman named Gretchen, a high-school student who is working for me as a publishing intern. The first task I gave her was getting "Love Rogo" finished and up as an ebook. She did that last week. She also designed the cover, modeled on the simple design of my other short story covers. (After a few days, I decided the cover wasn't quite right, and we worked together to change the colors and type.)

"Love Rogo" is now available free at Smashwords for the month of May, and for $.99 in the Kindle and Nook stores.

Smashwords (all formats) | Kindle | Nook

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At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"God willing, I'll keep the fires going here a while longer."

I *hope* so. There are some people, including yours truly, who are very much looking forward to the last two books in the Chaos Chronicles. Any idea when will they be out? Pretty please?

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Jeffrey A. Carver said...

Ahhh... I wish I did. All I can say is, I'm working, I'm working. No one wants them finished more than I do!

BTW, Blogspot in its wisdom put your comment in the spam folder. I should say not! Bad Blogspot! Bad!


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