On Writing Retreat Again
This week I'm in beautiful Gloucester, Mass., for a few days to get away from it all and try to wrap my head about this elusive book. Allysen set me up with a B&B overlooking the harbor. Here's the view from my window:
Not bad, huh? The waterfront is actually a lot closer than it looks in the picture. It's about a five minute walk. The Cape Ann Brewery and Pub is a ten minute walk. (Their fish & chips are good; their beer is excellent.) My next seafood foray will probably be Gloucester House Restaurant, tonight.
When I drove in yesterday, there was an enormous honking cruise ship anchored in the harbor. Here's a fuzzy picture of it (I really should set my cell phone camera to a better resolution, if I'm going to keep using it for these things):

When I got back to my room, I hopped online to marinetraffic.com, where you can identify just about any ship anywhere in the world at any given moment. You just zoom in on the map, click the icons, and learn—for example—that this cruise ship is called the Eurodam, and it was anchored, but ultimately en route to Bar Harbor, Maine. Indeed, shortly after I took this photo, it moved out of the harbor and headed north.
Writing-wise, it's taking longer than usual to settle in. My mind is still all over the place; but slowly, slowly, some important issues about the story are starting to ooze back into focus. Here's hoping it all comes back soon.
Labels: personal news, work in progress, writing, writing retreats